The Medical Home Jeanne Garnier is a Palliative Care Unit with 81 beds. It accommodates patients who are ill, at an advanced or terminal stage of their condition, to provide them with palliative care and the necessary support, as defined by law. As a PCU, it consists of beds entirely dedicated to the practice of palliative care and support.


Palliative care is the active total care of patients with life-limiting disease, focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of the illness.

The goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family.

Palliative care is provided by a specially-trained multiprofessional team to provide an extra layer of support.

It is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness, and it can be provided along with curative treatment.

Definition ( SFAP – French Society for palliative care )

  • Palliative care involves active treatments within a comprehensive approach to individuals facing a serious, progressive, or terminal illness.
  • The goal of palliative care is to alleviate physical pain and other symptoms while also addressing psychological, social, and spiritual suffering.
  • Palliative care and support are interdisciplinary, addressing the patient as an individual, along with their family and loved ones, whether at home or in an institution.
  • Training and support for healthcare professionals and volunteers are integral parts of this approach.
  • Palliative care and support view the patient as a living being, and death as a natural process. Those providing palliative care aim to avoid unreasonable investigations and treatments (commonly known as therapeutic obstinacy) and reject intentionally hastening death.
  • They strive to preserve the best possible quality of life until death and offer support to grieving loved ones.
  • Through their clinical practice, education, and research, they work to ensure that these principles can be effectively applied.


Pain is not inevitable.

Pain corresponds to an experience linked to unpleasant perceptions and sensations that are specific to each individual. The approach of the Medical Center is to identify these and support the experience towards the greatest possible relief. In collaboration with the Pain Control Committee (CLUD) of Maison Médicale Jeanne Garnier, healthcare providers adhere to the commitments outlined in the Pain Relief Charter.

Means Implemented:

In the interest of better care, the medical team seeks the input of designated caregivers in pain management and the Pain Control Committee. They commit to:

  • Raise awareness among all healthcare staff about the importance of systematic pain assessment and its treatment to enhance the overall quality of care.
  • Inform and train staff on various tools for pain assessment and therapeutics to optimize choices based on the patient.
  • Systematically integrate into the care process the prevention of pain caused by treatments and the use of established protocols.
  • Sensitize caregivers to seek the patient’s participation in pain management by listening to and supporting the patient and their loved ones.
  • Implement a training plan for healthcare personnel and measure its effectiveness.
soins palliatifs infirmière

Other symptoms, whether digestive, cutaneous, respiratory, cardiac, or neurological, are also taken into account. In addition, non-pharmacological approaches such as art therapy, psychomotor therapy, physiotherapy, hypnosis, aromatherapy, music therapy, clinical kinesionomy, etc., may be proposed.

Multidisciplinary communications allow for a bi-daily evaluation of each hospitalized person’s situation. Care and treatments can be quickly adapted several times a day, if necessary, in agreement with the patient.

Comfort and Quality of Life

To improve your quality of life and that of your loved ones, comfort care is an important element of comprehensive and multidisciplinary therapeutic care. They complement medical care and are provided by trained professionals. They are offered based on your health, abilities, preferences, and interests.

Well-being is a very personal dimension. Our caregivers are creative in meeting the specific needs of each individual: ice cream to improve oral condition, singing and music for care, etc. The goal is to find together what brings you comfort.

To make meals enjoyable moments, they are prepared on-site by a team of chefs who are dedicated to offering quality cuisine while adapting to your desires and needs. Every day, you can choose between 2 menu options.

Comfort care also relies on non-pharmacological therapies.

Accompanying volunteers, through their presence and availability, can address some of your requests and contribute to facilitating your daily life.

bénévole accueille un patien


Palliative care provides comprehensive care for the individual. To support each hospitalized person and their loved ones and meet their needs, numerous professionals are mobilized, each contributing according to their role and expertise.

A Dedicated Medical Team for Each 13-Bed Unit

It consists of a coordinating nurse, three nurses, three nursing assistants, one hospital agent, and a physician. The physician can be easily consulted by families if desired. Twice a day, a briefing meeting gathers the team to discuss each patient’s situation and adjust the care plan if necessary. Medical coverage is provided 24/7 by physicians.

dans le poste de soins

They are accompanied by a paramedical team and professionals dedicated to supportive care:

  • Physical therapists, psychomotor therapists, and speech therapists contribute to maintaining your autonomy and comfort.
  • Psychologists play a supportive role, providing listening and support. If individuals from your circle also wish to consult them, simply discuss it with the healthcare providers.
  • Art therapist, music therapist.
  • Social workers can meet with you by appointment, offering social support, answering your questions, and, as needed, assisting with certain procedures. They maintain connections with social workers from other hospitals or any other relevant institution in your area.
  • Socio-esthetician: Concerned about the well-being of residents, the Medical Center offers the free services of a socio-esthetician for two days, through its partnership with the association CEW – Cosmetic Executive Women.

Every professional is bound by the duty of confidentiality and/or professional secrecy as provided by the regulations. Art. L. 1110-4.


We place special emphasis on welcoming your loved ones. Doctors, the healthcare team, and volunteers make themselves available to meet, inform, and support them. Everything is organized and designed to make them feel a bit « at home. »

Visiting Conditions:

Visits take place in the afternoon, between 12:00 PM and 8:00 PM.

  • At night, if desired and with the agreement of the healthcare team, a family member can stay with you. An extra bed can be arranged in your room.
    • This service is free of charge. A family room is available and can be offered for occasional overnight stays. In the evening (from 9:30 PM) and at night, for security reasons, access is closed.
    • Your loved one has the option to have meals on-site, with payment for the meal tray.
    • Daytime outings with a family member or volunteer are possible, with the doctor’s approval.
    • Children are welcome with prior approval from the healthcare team and in the absence of infectious risks.
soutien des proches


jeanne Garnier is a Palliative Care Unit (PCU) with 81 beds. It accommodates individuals who are ill, at an advanced or terminal stage of their condition, to provide them with palliative care and the necessary support, as defined by law. As a PCU, it consists of beds entirely dedicated to the practice of palliative care and support. It reserves its admission capacity for the most complex and/or challenging situations. In this context, it welcomes individuals who can no longer stay at home or who cannot be accommodated by the original facility due to the complexity of their situation.
Based on your medical file provided by a physician, our medical team will assess whether your situation indeed warrants admission to our facility.

Based on your medical file provided by a physician, our medical team will assess whether your situation indeed warrants admission to our facility.

Admission requests must be submitted by a physician. Every day, we review the received requests to respond promptly to the situations presented to us. The Medical Center receives 2600 to 3000 requests per year, averaging 10 to 15 cases per day. On average, in 2022, six out of ten requests were accepted.

Often, the request is also sent to 2 or 3 other facilities, based on the individual’s preferences, geographical location, or that of their family, and the specific field of medical care (geriatrics, neurological diseases, etc.).


admission soins palliatifs

The steps of the admission process :

  1. Your doctor sends a medical record by email to preadmission@jeannegarnier-paris.org
    After examination by our medical team, the response will be communicated to you within a few days.
  2. If you are NOT registered with the French Health Insurance, please contact the pre-admission service ( preadmission@jeannegarnier-paris.org), and we will provide you with a quote for the expenses to be incurred. »

If you are registered with the French health insurance, the admissions staff will welcome you and assist you with the procedures. You will be asked to present:

  • Your identification document,
  • Your family booklet (if possible),
  • Your health insurance card or recent social security certificate,
  • Your mutual insurance card or certificate of supplementary insurance.
  • (In the absence of supplementary insurance, a security deposit of 300 euros may be requested, which will only be cashed in case of unpaid bills.)
  • Contact information for a person to notify in case of need,
  • The name of your treating physician.



Two words of history

Jeanne Garnier lived in the 19th century in Lyon. In 1835, at the age of 24, she found herself alone after losing her husband and two young children. A devoted Christian, she decided to dedicate her time and fortune to « accomodate sick women, generally isolated, suffering of cancers with wounds, who did not find place in the hospitals because there was no cure possible anymore » (words from Jeanne Garnier herself)

She housed them in her own home, took care of them, and accompanied them until their death. Some widowed friends joined her, and together with them, Jeanne Garnier founded the Calvaire institution in Lyon in 1842.

Inspired by this example, Aurélie Jousset created « Le Calvaire » in Paris in 1874. To express the profound meaning of this work, she had a sentence from the Gospel of Saint Matthew engraved on the wall of the house, which was already located at 106 Avenue Emile Zola:

« I was sick, and you came to visit me. »

jeanne garnier portrait

A non profit organization

The charity« The Ladies of the Calvary »is a non profit organization andwas recognized by  the French government in 1923. At that time, the establishment was financed by donations of the Ladies who devoted their time to it and ensure most of the work required. Now, the non-profit association “ the Ladies of Calvary” manages Jeanne Garnier Medical Home .

Known as an ESPIC  (Private Health Establishment for Collective Interest) Jeanne Garnier Medical Home is subject to the rules of private law for its operation but the financing and supervision are similar to those of public hospitals.

Patients registered with French Health Insurance don’t pay anything. Stay and care are totally financed by the national health insurance system.

aurélie Jousset

Jeanne Garnier : care and the promotion of palliative culture

The Medical Home is dedicated to palliative care and the promotion of palliative culture, comprising:

  • A palliative care unit with 81 beds.
  • A Mobile Team providing support to partner institutions.
  • Outpatient services for supportive care and palliative care for patients at home or in institutions.
  • A Research, Teaching, and Training Department (DREF) conducting interdisciplinary research programs on palliative care and end-of-life issues, developing education, and offering a diverse range of continuous training through its Palliative Care School (CARTE).
  • Consulting and expertise activities open to external entities, particularly in support of nursing homes (EHPAD) and home care.
madame Macron et des personnels de nuit 2

A work with networks

In 1990, Jeanne Garnier Medical Home is a founder member of

the French Society for accompaniment and palliative care (SFAP)
that takes an active part in the development of the palliative care in France.
